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KaCrole Higgins was diagnosed with breast cancer in 2020. “In May 2020, I found a lump in my breast. I cried. By June, it was diagnosed as breast cancer, triple positive, stage 1A. While getting this cancer diagnosis was devastating, it also became an opportunity. Suddenly, the cancer gave me clarity. It gave me clarity about what was important, what was good in my life, what was toxic in my life, and what I needed to do.” Click below to read more of KaCrole’s story

If Landon Ryan had been diagnosed with bilateral retinoblastoma 10, 20 or 30 years ago, she might not be here today with nearly perfect vision.Thanks to recent improvements in the treatment for this rare form of cancer that almost exclusively affects children under the age of 5, the diagnosis had the power to change Landon’s life when she was 11 months old, but not to take it — or her eyesight. Click below to learn more about Landon and her story.
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Evaluation of Patient Reported Outcomes in Patients with Digestive System and Lung Neuroendocrine Cancer, NET-PRO study


This study evaluates the patient reported outcomes in patients with digestive system neuroendocrine cancer and lung neuroendocrine cancer. Patients with neuroendocrine cancer usually have a high symptom burden which may have a negative effect on health-related quality of life (HRQoL). Patient questionnaires gather information describing symptoms and effect on quality of life, cancer type and any treatments received. Studying quality of life in patients receiving treatment for neuroendocrine cancers may help identify the effects of treatment and improve future treatment plans. Information gathered from this study may help researchers understand whether patient's diagnosis, symptoms, and order of cancer treatments have any effect on quality of life.
Ramirez, Robert

Novel Gastrointestinal Cancer Markers in Tissue and Biofluids


Ciombor, Kristen