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KaCrole Higgins was diagnosed with breast cancer in 2020. “In May 2020, I found a lump in my breast. I cried. By June, it was diagnosed as breast cancer, triple positive, stage 1A. While getting this cancer diagnosis was devastating, it also became an opportunity. Suddenly, the cancer gave me clarity. It gave me clarity about what was important, what was good in my life, what was toxic in my life, and what I needed to do.” Click below to read more of KaCrole’s story

If Landon Ryan had been diagnosed with bilateral retinoblastoma 10, 20 or 30 years ago, she might not be here today with nearly perfect vision.Thanks to recent improvements in the treatment for this rare form of cancer that almost exclusively affects children under the age of 5, the diagnosis had the power to change Landon’s life when she was 11 months old, but not to take it — or her eyesight. Click below to learn more about Landon and her story.
Displaying 71 - 80 of 81

Open-Label, Long-Term Safety and Efficacy Study of Mim8 in Participants with Haemophilia A with or without Inhibitors

Not Available
Walker, Shannon

A Study to See if Memantine Protects the Brain during Radiation Therapy Treatment for Primary Central Nervous System Tumors

Multiple Cancer Types

This phase III trial compares memantine to usual treatment in treating patients with primary central nervous system tumors. Memantine may block receptors (parts of nerve cells) in the brain known to contribute to a decline in cognitive function. Giving memantine may make a difference in cognitive function (attention, memory, or other thought processes) in children and adolescents receiving brain radiation therapy to treat a primary central nervous system tumors.
Neuro-Oncology, Pediatrics
Esbenshade, Adam

Studying the Effect of Levocarnitine in Protecting the Liver from Chemotherapy for Leukemia or Lymphoma

Multiple Cancer Types

This phase III trial compares the effect of adding levocarnitine to standard chemotherapy vs. standard chemotherapy alone in protecting the liver in patients with leukemia or lymphoma. Asparaginase is part of the standard of care chemotherapy for the treatment of acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL), lymphoblastic lymphoma (LL), and mixed phenotype acute leukemia (MPAL). However, in adolescent and young adults (AYA) ages 15-39 years, liver toxicity from asparaginase is common and often prevents delivery of planned chemotherapy, thereby potentially compromising outcomes. Some groups of people may also be at higher risk for liver damage due to the presence of fat in the liver even before starting chemotherapy. Patients who are of Japanese descent, Native Hawaiian, Hispanic or Latinx may be at greater risk for liver damage from chemotherapy for this reason. Carnitine is a naturally occurring nutrient that is part of a typical diet and is also made by the body. Carnitine is necessary for metabolism and its deficiency or absence is associated with liver and other organ damage. Levocarnitine is a drug used to provide extra carnitine. Laboratory and real-world usage of the dietary supplement levocarnitine suggests its potential to prevent or reduce liver toxicity from asparaginase. The overall goal of this study is to determine whether adding levocarnitine to standard of care chemotherapy will reduce the chance of developing severe liver damage from asparaginase chemotherapy in ALL, LL and/or MPAL patients.
Leukemia, Pediatric Leukemia
Borinstein, Scott

Digital Tomosynthesis Mammography and Digital Mammography in Screening Patients for Breast Cancer


This randomized phase III trial studies digital tomosynthesis mammography and digital mammography in screening patients for breast cancer. Screening for breast cancer with tomosynthesis mammography may be superior to digital mammography for breast cancer screening and may help reduce the need for additional imaging or treatment.
Harvey, Sara

RADIANCE II Pivotal Study- A Study of the ReCor Medical Paradise System in Stage II Hypertension

Not Available
Fong, Pete

PROTECT IV - Impella-Supported PCI in High-Risk Patients with Complex Coronary Artery Disease and Reduced Left Ventricular Function: The PROTECT IV Trial

Not Available
Barker, Colin

RELIEVE- HF- Reducing Lung Congestion Symptoms using the V-Wave Shunt in Advance Heart Failure

Not Available
Punnoose, Lynn