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Clinical Trials Search at Vanderbilt-Ingram Cancer Center

Clinical Trials Search at Vanderbilt-Ingram Cancer Center

Savolitinib Plus Osimertinib Versus Platinum-based Doublet Chemotherapy in Participants With Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer Who Have Progressed on Osimertinib Treatment

Multiple Cancer Types

Clinical study to investigate the efficacy and safety of savolitinib in combination with
osimertinib versus platinum-based doublet chemotherapy in participants with EGFR mutated,
MET-overexpressed and/or amplified, locally advanced or metastatic NSCLC who have progressed
on treatment with Osimertinib.
Lung, Non Small Cell
Iams, Wade

Development and Validation of an Ancillary Diagnostic Test for Mycosis Fungoides (SIGNAL-MF)


Zwerner, Jeffrey

An Imaging Agent (Panitumumab-IRDye800) for the Detection of Head and Neck Cancer During Surgery


This phase II trial studies the effect of panitumumab-IRDye800 in detecting head and neck cancer during surgery in patients head and neck cancer. Doctors who perform surgery for head and neck cancer are well-trained in removing all of the cancer that can be seen during the operation; however, there are times when there is cancer that is so small that it cannot be seen by the surgeon. Panitumumab-IRDye800 is a combination of panitumumab and IRDye800CW. Panitumumab works by attaching to the cancer cell in a unique way that allows the drug to get into the cancer tissue. IRDye800CW is an investigational dye that, when tested in the laboratory, helps various characteristics of human tissue show up better when using a special camera. Panitumumab-IRDye800 is a combination of the drug and the dye that attaches to cancer cells and appears to make them visible to the doctor when he or she uses the special camera during the surgery. Giving panitumumab-IRDye800 may help doctors better identify cancer in the operating room.
Rosenthal, Eben

An Imaging Agent (89Zr Panitumumab) with PET/CT for Diagnosing Primary Lesions and/or Metastases in Patients with Head and Neck Squamous Cell Carcinoma


This phase I trial evaluates the usefulness of an imaging agent (zirconium Zr 89 panitumumab [89Zr panitumumab]) with positron emission tomography (PET)/computed tomography (CT) for diagnosing primary tumors and/or the spread of disease from where it first started (primary site) to other places in the body (metastasis) in patients with head and neck squamous cell carcinoma. 89Zr panitumumab is an investigational imaging agent that contains a small amount of radiation, which makes it visible on PET scans. PET is an established imaging technique that utilizes small amounts of radioactivity attached to very minimal amounts of tracer, in the case of this research, 89Zr panitumumab, to allow imaging of the function of different cells and organs in the body. CT utilizes x-rays that traverse the body from the outside. CT images provide an exact outline of organs and potential disease tissue where it occurs in patients body. The combined PET/CT scanner is a special type of scanner that allows imaging of both structure (CT) and function (PET) following the injection of 89Zr panitumumab. This 89Zr panitumumab PET/CT may be useful in diagnosis of primary tumors and/or metastasis in patients with head and neck squamous cell carcinoma.
Topf, Michael

Testing the Usual Treatment of Radiation Therapy and Hormonal Therapy to Hormonal Therapy alone for Low-Risk, Early Stage Breast Cancer, the DEBRA Trial


This phase III trial compares the effect of radiation therapy combined with hormonal therapy versus hormonal therapy alone in treating patients with low risk, early stage breast cancer with Oncotype Dx Recurrence =< 18. Oncotype DX is a laboratory test which results in a score that is used to help predict whether breast cancer will spread to other parts of the body or come back. Radiation therapy uses high doses of radiation to kill cancer cells and shrink tumors but may result in some side effects. Hormones called estrogen and progesterone may contribute to the growth of breast tumor cells. Hormone therapy, also called endocrine therapy, may stop the growth of tumor cells by blocking or removing these hormones. This clinical trial may help researchers understand if patients with low-risk, early stage breast cancer who have Oncotype recurrence score of =< 18 can safely omit radiation therapy and only be treated with hormonal therapy without losing any radiation treatment benefit.
Chak, Bapsi

Decitabine and Cedazuridine in Combination with Venetoclax for the Treatment of Patients who have Relapsed Acute Myeloid Leukemia after Donor Stem Cell Transplant


This phase II trial tests how well decitabine and cedazuridine (DEC-C) works in combination with venetoclax in treating acute myeloid leukemia (AML) in patients whose AML has come back after a period of improvement (relapse) after a donor stem cell transplant. Cedazuridine is in a class of medications called cytidine deaminase inhibitors. It prevents the breakdown of decitabine, making it more available in the body so that decitabine will have a greater effect. Decitabine is in a class of medications called hypomethylation agents. It works by helping the bone marrow produce normal blood cells and by killing abnormal cells in the bone marrow. Venetoclax is in a class of medications called B-cell lymphoma-2 (BCL-2) inhibitors. It may stop the growth of cancer cells by blocking Bcl-2, a protein needed for cancer cell survival. Giving DEC-C in combination with venetoclax may kill more cancer cells in patients with relapsed AML.
Mohan, Sanjay

Talazoparib for the Treatment of BRCA 1/2 Mutant Metastatic Breast Cancer


This phase II trial studies how well talazoparib works for the treatment of breast cancer with a BRCA 1 or BRCA 2 gene mutation that has spread to other places in the body (metastatic). Talazoparib is a study drug that inhibits (stops) the normal activity of certain proteins called poly (ADP-ribose) polymerases also called PARPs. PARPs are proteins that help repair deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) mutations. PARP inhibitors, such as talazoparib, can keep PARP from working, so tumor cells can't repair themselves, and they may stop growing. PARPs are needed to repair mistakes that can happen in DNA when cells divide. If the mistakes are not repaired, the defective cell will usually die and be replaced. Cells with mistakes in their DNA that do not die can become tumor cells. Tumor cells may be killed by a study drug, like talazoparib, that stops the normal activity of PARPs. Talazoparib may be effective in the treatment of metastatic breast cancer with BRCA1 or BRCA2 mutations.
Abramson, Vandana

pB1-11 and TA-HPV Vaccines Combined with Pembrolizumab for the Treatment of Recurrent or Metastatic PD-L1 and HPV Positive Oropharyngeal Cancer


This phase II trial tests how well pB1-11 and human papillomavirus tumor antigen (TA-HPV) vaccines in combination with pembrolizumab work in treating patients with oropharyngeal cancer that has come back (recurrent) or that has spread from where it first started (primary site) to other places in the body (metastatic) and that is PD-L1 and human papillomavirus (HPV) positive. Oropharyngeal cancer is a type of head and neck cancer involving structures in the back of the throat (the oropharynx), such as the non-bony back roof of the mouth (soft palate), sides and back wall of the throat, tonsils, and back third of the tongue. Scientists have found that some strains or types of a virus called HPV can cause oropharyngeal cancer. pBI-11 is a circular deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) (plasmid) vaccine that promotes antibody, cytotoxic T cell, and protective immune responses. TA-HPV is an investigational recombinant vaccina virus derived from a strain of the vaccina virus which was widely used for smallpox vaccination. Vaccination with this TA-HPV vaccine may stimulate the immune system to mount a cytotoxic T cell response against tumor cells positive for HPV, resulting in decreased tumor growth. Immunotherapy with monoclonal antibodies, such as pembrolizumab, may help the body's immune system attack the cancer, and may interfere with the ability of tumor cells to grow and spread by inhibiting the PD-1 receptor. These investigational vaccines could cause or enhance an immune response in the body against HPV, during which time the activity of pembrolizumab against oropharyngeal cancer associated with HPV may be strengthened. These drugs in combination may be more effective in increasing the ability of the immune system to fight oropharyngeal cancer than pembrolizumab alone.
Gibson, Mike

Virtual 3D Intraoperative Communication System for Orthopedic Oncology: A Feasibility Study


Topf, Michael

Prospective Observational Trial of a Biodegradable Hyaluronic Acid Spacer in Prostate Cancer Radiotherapy


Kirschner, Austin

To learn more about any of our clinical
trials, call 615-936-8422.

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trials, call 615-936-8422.