Enhanced Recovery After Surgery for Pain Management in Patients with Extremity Soft Tissue Sarcoma
Enhanced Recovery After Surgery for Pain Management in Patients with Extremity Soft Tissue Sarcoma
This clinical trial studies the effect of the ERAS pain management method in managing pain after surgery in patients with extremity soft tissue sarcoma. Enhanced Recovery After Surgery, or ERAS, is a pain management method that places emphasis on managing risk factors (things like smoking, nutrition and fitness), using multiple types of pain control, and early movement, with the goal of improving patient outcomes. ERAS has been shown to reduce the length of time some patients stay in the hospital, reduce complications from surgery, and even lower costs of some surgeries. ERAS is designed may help cut down on the use of these narcotics in managing the pain of surgery patients. The purpose of this trial is to demonstrate that ERAS is safe and effective for patients having surgery to treat their sarcoma. Specifically, this study will look at using a non-narcotic pain management program that includes other methods of managing the pain of sarcoma surgery patients.
Therapy (NOS)
Not Available
Lawrenz, Joshua
Vanderbilt University
18 Years